Hacker Page

Results July 12, 2024

It was sweltering out there! The only breeze to be found was when the carts were moving. How those walking managed the heat, I don’t know. Hopefully next week will give us some respite from this heat!


Thanks again to Dan Richardson for filling in. We’ll see you again next week Dan. It will be you and me, looking forward to it!


It may have been the heat, or, just that we were on the more difficult (according to most anyway) back 9, but the scores suffered a bit. On average our gross scores were almost 4 strokes higher than last week. Following this round, 3 handicaps went up while 4 went down and 9 remained the same.


There were only 2 gross skins winners, as Dan Fusco took 4 skins with his birdie at the 13th hole, while Dan Richardson took 4 skins at the 17th with the only par on that hole.


We had 3 net skins winners, starting with Gloria and 2 skins at the 11th hole with a par (almost birdie). Dan Fusco’s birdie, net eagle won him a net skin at the 13th hole, and Tim took the final single skin at the next hole with the only net birdie at the par 14th hole.


The top winner on the night was Bette, handing a 6 ˝ - 2 ˝ loss to Sue. Bette got off to a quick 3-up lead before Sue managed to get a point on the board. This didn’t faze Bette as she went on to increase her lead to 5-up through 7. To her credit, Sue finished strongly, taking 1 ˝ of the remaining 2 points in the match.


Next up was Bette’s husband (as he has come to be known), aka, Tommy, in a battle with fellow veteran Hacker Marty. Despite shooting the low gross for the night, Marty was no match for Tom, who won 5 full holes and split 2, allowing Marty just 2 full points in his 6-3 victory. Nice round Tom!


Five matches were scored at 5 ˝ - 3 ˝.

First up was another matchup of Hacker veterans, as Mark and Bob locked horns. While neither player had their best stuff, Bob took the first lead only to have Mark square it up at the 2nd hole. This was repeated over the next 2 holes, but then Mark went 1-up, and then 2-up through 6. Bob took a full point at the 17th to narrow the lead to 1-up, but a rough 18th hole gave Mark another point and the 2-up win.


Jim and Dan Richardson were next. Starting out all square after 1 hole, Dan was in control most of the way, leading by either 1 or 2, while Jim did manage to square the match up 2 more times along the way.  In the end it was Dan for the win. Nice match gents!


Coming in with the low net for the night, it was Brian over Matt, as he led the way after the 2nd hole, assuring the win with the 3-up lead going into the final hole. A timely par by Matt reduced the margin to just 2-up.  Way to finish strong Matt. Nice round Brian!


This one started out close, with ties at the first 2 holes, then alternating wins over the next 4, leaving Gloria and Andy all square through 6 holes. Gloria then went 1-up and kept it there through the 17th, forcing Andy to have to win the final hole to even the match. Unfortunately, he was not up to that task, as Gloria won the hole and with it the match. Nice round Glo!  I’ll get you next year!


The final 2-up win involved Dan Fusco and Tim, with another back-and-forth match that was all-square after 5 holes. Dan then struggled for the next 2 holes, giving Tim the opening. A 30’ putt for Tim to save par on the difficult 15th hole was too much for Dan. Another win at the 16th assured Tim of no worse than a tie, and with a win at the final hole, he sealed the match win, carding a 1-under net 35 in the process.  Nice match guys!


And finally, last week’s Knockout Champ Peter took on Hacker Ironman Dave. / 1-over net 37 proved too much for Dave, as Pete led wire-to-wire for the 5-4 win. Nice win Pete!




League Standings

Mark regained the #1 spot, as Dan Fusco dropped into 2nd place. Tommy held onto the #3 spot, followed by Gloria, moving up from 7th into 4th, knocking Andy down to 5th place.


Hacker Cup

Dan Fusco still holds the lead here, while Tim made his move up the leaderboard from 4th to 2nd, nudging Andy and Mark down one spot each into 3rd and 4th, respectively. Bob had a rough night, resulting in a drop out of the top 5, down to 8th, as Tommy is starting his run, taking 5th place from 9th! Look out, here he comes!

The Numbers:

Low Gross

43 – Marty

44 - Andy

45 – Jim


Low Net

32 – Brian

33 – Tom

35 – Gloria, Tim


Knock-out Contest

Brian pulled up just short of a win again this week, as he was outlasted by Jim at the final hole.  Regardless, with Jim’s absence next week, Brian will be the proud bearer of the gloves!


Eagles and Birdies

Just one birdie out there, and what a Hail Mary birdie it was, as Dan Fusco chunked one out of the hazard at the 13th for an easy putt. Great shot Dan!


#13 – Dan Fusco


Net Closest-to-the-pin (NET CTP)

In another episode of “how do we do this again?”, by virtue of having the only recorded shot on paper, Sue got to 3’ after her tee shot, a chip on and 1 putt.  Otherwise, it sounds like Dan Richardson would’ve repeated last week’s performance, had he and Jim understood the rules.  This is why we’re calling this a test-run period.


No winner this week

Week #


Hole #

Prize $






15’ 1”





6’ 1”





22’ 1”





17’ 1”





8’ 4”





15’ 5”





8’ 1”


Dan F



13’ 5”







Dan F



13’ 2”

































