Hacker Page

Results May 10, 2024


What looked like a wash-out in -the-making just a week ago, turned out to be a great evening of golfing weather, as we go 3-for-3 now in that department!

“Thank you” to our subs for the night.  We had Dan Richardson returning to play and our newest subber, Bob Riley. Welcome to the Hackers Bob! Hope you can play with us some more. Keep an eye on the schedule as it shows when we have absences and whether-or-not we already have subs ear-marked to play.

On the handicap movement, as we settle in to the first 3 weeks of play, of those members playing, 7 maintained theirs, with 4 players going higher and 2 improving. About par for the course.

On to the matches…

Jim had the top score, starting out down 1 down to Pete, he then steamrolled through the next 5 holes to take a 4 up lead into the 7th hole.  Pete took the 7th hole and forced a split at the 8th, while Jim snared the final point for the 6 ½ - 2 ½ win. Tough beat Pete.

Matt pulled double-duty with split results, as he lost his match against Tim, 5 ½- 3 ½, while holding Brian to just 3 points in their card match. In the match, Tim lead the entire way, allowing it to get to all square just once at the 6th hole, he then went on to take 2 ½ of the remaining 3 points for the win. Nice round Tim! Meanwhile, in the card match, the first 5 holes were a seesaw, as Matt started off 1-up, then Brian squared things up at the 2nd, and took a 1-up lead after 3.  Matt then got it back to all-square and won the 5th hole to get back to 1-up and never looked back, ending with the 6-3 win.  It’s too bad you don’t get to use the 6 points Matt.

Next up were the remaining 5 ½ - 3 ½ matches. First up, Dan F., vs Andy. It was Dan all the way here, going 1-up out of the gate. The best Andy could do was to get all-square for a couple of holes. A stumble by Dan and the ever-fun 8th hole helped ease the blow, allowing Andy to reduce the deficit to 2-down. As a testament to how much both players wanted this one, they each shot better than their handicaps and split the bonus point. Nice match!

Veteran Hackers Dave and Bob were next, and they fought tooth-and-nail too, as Scoop jumped out to the early 2-up lead, followed by Bob taking the next 2 holes to square things back up. And there it remained until the 7th hole, where Bob took the 1-up lead. A tie at the 8th hole meant Dave needed to win the last hole to knot the match. Bob was having none of that, as he took the final hole outright for the 2-up win. Great match gentlemen!

Which brings us to the remaining three matches.

Mark had his hands full with Dan R., as their match was all square on 5 of the 9 holes. Dan drew first blood, going 1-up at the 3rd hole. He held that until Mark scored, taking it back to all square at the 5th hole. Dan wasn’t finished, getting back to 1-up at the 7th with a beauty of a 2nd shot, and the only one in the group to make the GIR! Then, the “fun” 8th reared its ugly head, and the match was back to all square. ‘Nuf said. Finally, a par at the last, for a tidy 39, gave Mark the 1-up win.  Great match!  And a nice round to both!

Sue fell victim to the injured golfer, as Bob Riley, still recovering from shoulder issues took her down with a wire-to-wire win.  To her credit, Sue managed to reduce a 3-down deficit at the fifth hole, to finish just 1 down. Way to hang in there Sue!

Last, but certainly not least, we have one of our favorite family feud matches to report, as Bette and Bette’s husband, squared off to answer the perennial question: Will Tom sleep on the couch tonight? And the answer is…..probably.  Depends on if the cat gets there first or not. Tom was like a cat, playing with a mouse, taking the first hole, only to give it up briefly, then take it again, and then release it again, finally grabbing it for the last time and holding on to it till the end. Perhaps the mild, 1-up win will keep him off the couch. We’ll be sure to ask next week 😊


The field of “No others”continues to dwindle, as Dan was bitten by the infamous 8th hole (no longer to be referred to as the “fun” hole). This leaves Andy, and Marty as the last men standing. Let’s see if either player can hold a candle to Mark’s past achievements in this category.

As Bette’s husband records his first win, and Dave his first loss, this leaves Mark as the only undefeated player, while Andy remains the only player that is, what, unvictorious?

League Standings

Mark retains the lead here, followed by Jim moving up from T6 to 2nd. Dan Fusco joined Sue in a tie for 3rd, while Bob made a big move up from 12th to 5th

Hacker Cup

Mark still leads here as well. Dan Fusco moved into 2nd from 6th, followed by Tim holding on to 3rd. Bob dropped down a bit from 2nd to 4th as Gloria fell from 4th to 7th, leaving Sue in the 5 position.

The Numbers:

Low Gross

39 – Mark

41 – Andy

45 – Dan Fusco


Low Net

34 – Mark

35 – Andy, Dan Fusco

37 – Dan Richardson


Knock-out Contest

Dan Fusco took the weekly honor and will receive the gloves for week #4. Meanwhile, Brian takes the solo lead in the season-long competition.

Eagles and Birdies

Once again there were no birdies found on the course.


It was Mark’s turn this week, hitting a shot that never moved off the pin, finishing 22’ 1” from the hole. Need to work on that 7 yard margin-of-error on your irons Mark 😊  Nice shot!


Week #


Hole #

Prize $






15’ 1”





6’ 1”





22’ 1”




































































