Hacker Page

Results May 24, 2024


Well, that was an interesting round.  Did anyone else happen to notice the wind? Windy with solid fill  At times it seemed like the flags were tilted 45° when it was howling! This, combined with what seemed like very firm conditions, made for an interesting round. Other than this, it was another good night weather-wise (meaning no rain, and comfy temperatures with low humidity) Guess we shouldn’t complain.

As always, thank-you to Lisa, Dan and Paul for subbing tonight. We appreciate you filling in to help make our matches more enjoyable!

We had 3 matches end in 6 ½ - 2 ½ decisions with each winner also taking the bonus point for a 7 ½ point total.

Starting with Dave vs Jim, the match started out all square after the first hole, but this was just the start of a heater for Scoop, as he went on to snare 4 full holes and tie the rest on his way to the win, as well as low net for the night. Nice round Dave!

Bob went 1-up early on Dan Fusco, holding that lead until the third hole, where Dan brought the match back to square. From there it was all Dan, winning the next 4 in-a-row to get to 4-up against a struggling Bob. Despite a wayward shot at his favorite hole (#8), he still managed ½ point there, and then again on the last hole to finish with the 4-up win.

Dan Richardson also struggled a bit after getting out to a 1-up lead over Andy, who squared things up on the 2nd hole, and then went on to either win or tie the remaining holes for his 4-up win.

Brian got out to a quick 2-up lead thru 3 versus Dan Palmerino. Dan then went on a tear, winning the next 5 in-a-row to get to 3-up, which is where the match ended after they split the last hole. Nice round Dan! In a friendly side match with wife Lisa, she took the 1st hole, Dan then proceeded to win the next 3 holes to go 2-up. Lisa took the next and they tied the 2 holes after that, to keep herself just 1-down. A trade of the last 2 holes resulted in a 5-4 win for Dan. Nice match kids!

Mark was handed his first loss of the season, after splitting the first hole, Paul went 1-up at the 2nd. The best Mark could manage from that point on was to get the match to all square 2 times, as Paul went on to win 5 ½ - 3 ½. Both players shot just 2 over their handicaps to split the bonus point.

Tim and Bette had what I would call a palindrome match (the first person to figure out exactly what I mean by that will get some respect). It was a close match, that was squared-up twice and ended with the 5-4 win for Tim, plus the bonus. Nice round Tim!

In the match that counted for league purposes, Lisa was up against Matt, who sprang out to a 4-up lead, and looked like he had a runaway win in the making.  But, Lisa is a trooper, and she fought back bravely, winning 4 of the last 5 holes for a respectable 5-4 loss to Matt.  Well done!

Lastly, in a true GE alum matchup, Gloria and Marty battled to a draw, with the match knotted at 5 holes including the final. Marty had 1-up leads three times, and Gloria once, in what looks like a very hotly contested match, where Gloria edged out Marty for the bonus point by just 1 stroke. Great match you two!

League Standings

Marty retained his lead in the league standings, followed now by Dave and Mark, as Dave moved up from 4th, and Mark somewhat downward, from solo 2nd, into a tie for 2nd. Dan Fusco moved from T7 to 4th, while Tim held on to his 5th place spot.  Meanwhile, Jim fell out of the top 5, falling from 3rd to 9th.

Hacker Cup

There was a bit of a shakeup at the top of the Cup race, with Mark falling from 1st to 3rd, while Dan Fusco and Tim each moved up 1 spot into 1st and 2nd, respectively. Matt held onto the number 4 spot, while Dave made a leap up the board from 12th to 5th, nudging Bob down 1 place into 6th.

The Numbers:

Low Gross

43 – Mark, Dan Fusco, Andy

44 – Marty, Dan Palmerino

46 – Gloria, Dave


Low Net

33 – Dave

34 – Tim, Dan Fusco

35 – Bette, Gloria, Dan Palmerino


Knock-out Contest

Dave was our weekly champ, outlasting Dan Fusco for the 8-point knockout.  Nice round Dave!

Eagles and Birdies

There were no birdies to be found on the course. I blame the wind (any excuse in a storm)


Mark took his second CTP of the season!


Week #


Hole #

Prize $






15’ 1”





6’ 1”





22’ 1”





17’ 1”





8’ 4”


























































